How much? How much does a website cost??
We get just too many calls with first question: how much does a website cost? Well, ok let me ask you second: how much is a car?
Now, you are asking me what kinda car? Compact? Sedan? SUV? Economy? Luxury? Domestic? Foreign? How many cylinders? Fabric or leather interior? Heated steering wheel? and so on right? Hallelujah! Now you are getting the point There is no one price fits all for websites. Websites can be $99.00 or $99,000.00. It completely depends on what you want your website to do. Just like cars websites will also need maintenance. So there will be cost for that. Websites may break down when the server technologies upgrade so there may be repair cost. There will be web hosting cost as well domain registration fee.
You have seen signs for $99 website on lampposts?
Now let’s elaborate a bit more so you have seen an ad street side for $99 website? So did I and I called one of them. I asked for samples and this is pretty much what I got on the right. Honestly, my 12 years old son could do a better job than this. A $99 website would be something some kid smoking pot in his basement while cranking up a website so he could have some money to buy some more pot.. figuratively speaking but would you seriously want to buy a website from a basement dueller? Wouldn’t you rather just donate the money to your favourite charity where you know would help someone?
You have seen lawn signs for $495 website?
So I called up a number I saw on a lawn near my office. He apparently did not know he needed permit from the city for putting those signs up so he recently got fined he said. Nevertheless, he showed me some of his samples. They looked like the image on the left here.
Now that’s better right? You are also getting a mobile version with this one? Great? Not really! It’s highly outdated as well. This one defies any modern web design trend. This website will give your business a not so successful look. You will not be able to convey your marketing messages with this one. Therefore, this website is highly unlikely to bring any leads. If you requested me to perform SEO on this site I would have to kindly refuse because I know the bounce rate ie. visitors exiting immediately upon landing on the page will be very high.
Gawd damn! So what will return your investment?
High resolution images with proper marketing lines always sell better. While we make $500 quick websites too if clients really insist, nicely formatted trendy kind of site design in Toronto starts from $2000.00 with our company. Many other reputed Toronto companies start will web design from $5000.00. If you write your own content, we can enter it in your site at no additional cost. However, if you want to add some professional copywriting another $500 could easily add to the cost of an average 10 page website. If you add a lot of stock photos could go even higher. If you need team pictures, professional photography or videos added cost will of-course incur. Then if you start adding functions to the site like booking plug-in, advertisement banners, scheduling plug-ins etc cost could climb more. If you request custom features added to the plugins price would keep going up; if you request too many changes it will also add to the cost. That’s a lot like a car huh? Yes, then the website will also need maintenance work done periodically just like getting oil changes 😆 Website will also require web hosting & marketing. Web development hourly rate in Toronto ranges between $60 and $200/hour depending on company size, marketing cost etc. for any company.
So before you ask how much does website cost please consider all of the above so you get a clear idea what kind of cost you will be looking at. We try to make a website as affordable as we possibly can but without losing the quality.