LED LAMP: What is It Made of?

Posted by | November 24, 2016 | Technology | No Comments
Jooby LED Lamps

Light emitting diode lamp (LED Lamp) is a semiconductor which converts the electric energy into light. When you pass electric current through it, an LED lamp will produce visible light.

Some experts who are working in the electronic field, call this technology unsung heroes of the electronic world. Many different large bulbs use these tiny LED bulbs inside them today. They do not have filaments in them like traditional light bulbs which burn to produce light. Instead, they are semiconductors that produce light whenever there are movement of electrons in it. That’s the reason why they do not get very hot.

A combination of different small materials make LED lamps. These small materials fulfill their functionality to produce light. Here are parts and descriptions of LED lamps:

Things that a LED Lamp is Made of

LED Lamp Chip:

The most important part of the LED lamp which produces all the light.

Led Lamp Diffuser:

The main function of the diffuser is to diffuse the light. It helps in making the lamp cool by isolating the hottest part of the lamp.

LED Lamp Housing:

It makes the lamp or bulb shock proof and diffuses the heat produced by the chip.

LED Lamp Radiator:

If bulb does not get extra heat then it increases the life of the bulb. Radiator helps in sinking the extra heat of the bulb and enhances the life of a bulb.

LED Lamp Driver:

This helps converting the analog current to direct electric current needed for LEDs to work.

Above are some parts which when combined make an LED lamp. Every part plays its role to produce light in the lamp. Every single part of the LED lamp is very important.

Some benefits of LED Lamp:

  • LED lamps are eco-friendly. There are no toxic elements in LED lights. However, fluorescent light bulbs contain mercury.
  • LED lamps produce 80% more light than the traditional lamps of the same wattage.
  • Only 5% of the energy gets wasted which means rest of the 95% of energy produces light. That’s the reason why a 36 watt LED is better than 84 Watt florescent light.
  • Also, LED bulbs have longer lifetime than other traditional light bulbs. If you compare the attributes and lifetime of the LED lamps with other bulbs, you will find that it lasts much longer than others.

Experts are doing more research related to LED technology. In future, there will be more applications related to LED and it will play an important role in the growth of the technology in different parts. JOOBY led light bulb manufacturers are providing the best LED lamps in the market. Of-course, there are many other companies which are providing the LED lamps as well because it is going to become the future of the world.


About ECA Ray

Ray is a manager at ECA Tech Inc. , Toronto's leading Ecommerce software, website development and digital marketing company. He has been a programmer for 28 years. He has some good experience in integrating designs to various software. He has volunteered in numerous IT related free training courses all over North America and contributes articles on numerous blogs. He also participates in continued education classes at local colleges.

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