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why is seo copywriting important

Web Copywriting: Different From Writing 101?

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When it comes to writing for the web, we’ve all heard the terms SEO, keyword density, and optimization. But then you find yourself staring at a blank screen, wondering how it all comes into play and trying to come up with the right words. And it can be more than a little overwhelming. This is especially so since copywriting trends always seem to be on the go. It’s important to keep up with the ever-evolving trends of search engine optimization or SEO copywriting, but basic writing principles are as relevant as ever. Let’s go over a few important things to keep in my mind as you’re creating copy for your website or a brand presence on the web. Read More

SEO Strategy Predictions in 2013

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See what Google did to its search algorithms in 2012. Sturdier and more aggressive actions and steps are expected from the search hulk in 2013 as well. The likes of Google are expected to shadow the footsteps. Although, webmasters cannot overlook the fact that all these efforts are meant to revive the original intentions of the web viz. Presenting superiority and relevant information to its users. At the same time, the SEO companies and experts are left with no option. They have to revise their SEO strategy. How should you do that for better SEO success in the New Year?
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Top 10 most Essential SEO tips

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Google is, by 10 football fields, the most common and popular  search engine in the world. It’s popular because it seems to rank pages so accurately and quickly, time and time again. Google developed its page ranking system in an effort to increase the quality of search results and has left all of its competitors for dead. As a result, search engine optimization (SEO) companies like ECA Te chnologies Inc / are always looking to find new ways to increase their clients Google rankings. As we all know, a website is a pretty nifty thing to have for a myriad of different reasons. But the truth is that its worth is derived from the people that surf it. If no one is surfing it, then it becomes useless. So who’s the biggest website referrer? The answer is Google in almost every case.
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5 crucial things for ecommerce

5 Crucial Tips for Ecommerce Web Design

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In today’s world of competitive online marketing, we at ECA Technologies express the simple purpose of e-commerce web design. It is to make businesses sell product and services online. Its development and designing is also unlike from the traditional websites. Here, more than keeping an eye on aesthetic features like color schemes and flash, you are required to give importance to usability of the website. It is imperative to give users a seamless enjoyable shopping experience on your website.  SEO(Search Engine Optimization) is also a very important influence in Ecommerce web design.
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How Facebook Influences and effects SEO

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Facebook announced the addition of Timeline earlier this year. It changed how facebook influences and effects Search Engine Optimization. These new tools let users tell a more thorough story of their life. Then Facebook launched Facebook Actions. This software is an enhancement adding additional call-to-action tabs beyond the standard “like.” This allows users to indicate where they are and what they are doing. In fact, Facebook Actions actually benefits the consumer, marketer, and SEO firm. These Actions let users specifically indicate their interaction with a location, products, and more. For example, one may visit a local Business and indicate they “bought” a particular product. Immediately, that action is posted on their wall. Their friends can interact with that action. Others may comment, share, or even visit that store the next day to see for themselves.

More than 55 percent of  teenager to adult-consumers research products on social media platforms. The product has enormous ability to either significantly prosper from Facebook Actions or severly sink.
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Vital and Essential Tips on Website Design

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Essential Tips on Web DesignThe first half of 2012 is over. However, we have already seen lots of changes in the search industry .These changes have put most search marketers skillsto a test. This test is on how to keep up with the ever improving search engine capabilities. It is a common knowledge in the SEO world that Google implements around 500 changes in their search engine algorithm annually. Search engines use 200 or more factors in ranking a website. These factors also undergo many changes and improvements. Search companies like Google continue to polish their system to give their online users better search experience. Below are some important website design and SEO tips. This will help you keep your website up to date.

Always focus in producing quality content regularly

– You should have a regular stream of fresh contents on your website. Make it a habit to publish a new post every day or every other day. Regular publication of articles will signal search engines that your site is worthy of being crawled at regular basis. If your website is crawled by search engines more often, you won’t have any problems of indexing your contents, thus increasing the probability of ranking high in search engine result pages.You should also incorporate more contents on your site that will make user experience better. In addition, remember that Google Panda uses user experience metrics in determining if your website is worthy of being ranked. From here comes the importance on how your website design is implemented.

Focus in developing a simpler website design

– Your website design structure should complement your SEO efforts. The main factor that constitutes better user experience is the ease of use. Your website design should be user-friendly. Avoid displaying lots of ads especially those pop-up dialogues that can scare visitors away. A white back-ground is always recommended though it is not necessary. Your background and font colors should be balanced and should be in harmony with you site’s overall structure. Moreover, you can create navigational links and buttons which can improve user experience.

Do necessary on-page SEO changes

– Check for crawl errors using Google Webmaster Tools and be mindful of proper usage of heading structures. View your website in the users’ perspectives. Also, avoid unnecessary headings and redundancy of keywords.

Increase Social Media Exposure and Sharing

– Install social media sharing buttons to enable your readers to share your content to various social media networks. Furthermore, search engines nowadays look at social interactions as one of the factors in ranking a website.

Only focus in doing ethical link-building tactics

– This is one important factor that should be considered by search marketers if they want to avoid future penalties from search engines. Creating back-links on spammy websites, auto-link creation, and usage of any black-hat SEO tactics to create fake website commendations are practices that should not be practiced in 2012 and the next years to come.

All in all, here at ECA Technologies, and our experienced SEO professionals are well-updated with latest changes in search engine algorithms. We are always ready to help website owners to successfully compete in this ever changing market

tips on effective web design

16 Important Do’s and Don’ts of Effective Web Design

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These effective web design tips you must keep in your mind when you are creating or redesigning a website. There are specific and important items you need to be made aware of. Things that normally wouldn’t cross your mind. The average company is after sales and revenue. They may tell you that they want the big flashy logos. Or, they may tell you they want the overdone textures/gradients. However, it is the job of a well skilled web designer to steer their clients in the right direction.

Listed below are sixteen do’s and don’ts of effective web design. Study, read, and print this page. It will help either make or break your website. And don’t hesitate to let us know of anything we might have left out, in the comments below. ECA Technologies and love getting your opinions on things and discussing the articles with you. Read More

30 Ways To Drive Website Traffic Up

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30 Ways To Drive Up Website Traffic

This blog was designed to introduce you to website promotion, getting visitors to come to your website which drives business.

More visitors – more income – more online visibility – corporate branding How can you get more visitors to your website? What can you do to stimulate website traffic? Here’s a checklist of 30 items you need to consider. Many of these may be doing already; others you meant to do and forgot about; still others you’ve never heard of. All in all, here’s the most important techniques.

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The Truth about Keyword Density

Posted by | Internet Marketing, SEO | 2 Comments

What is keyword density to start with? According to Wikipedia it is:

“is the percentage of times a keyword or phrase appears on a web page compared to the total number of words on the page. In the context of search engine optimization keyword density can be used as a factor in determining whether a web page is relevant to a specified keyword or keyword phrase.”

Basically, a 5% keyword density in a 100 words article means that a certain keyword is mentioned 5 times on the article.
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