Nowadays, most of the business owners understand the importance of SEO (search engine optimization) and take it as the core of online marketing strategy. However, it’s not easy to developing and executing a sound SEO strategy as the businesses owners are not SEO expert. But no worries, following six steps below, you can make sure all of your customized SEO plans easily.
SEO Plan Step 1: Find your niche keywords and make a List
What’s the core of the SEO? Absolutely, it’s the keywords. The purpose of SEO is to attract the potential visitors who search the keywords related your niche market. More traffic means more opportunities to sell the goods and services. That is the reason why SEO can grow your business. So the keywords list and analysis can be the fundamental of the SEO plan.
Compile a list of about 10 keywords associated with your product or services. Plug these keywords into Google’s Keyword Tool, and find the synonyms and variations that closely related to your business. Using provided search volume, competition as the measure to narrow down the keyword list to 10-15 amount you would like to rank for. Then rank this list in order of priority or relevance to your business.
The keyword list isn’t fixed, it should be a living and breathing document that you review and update at least once a month according to the business condition. So you must keep the keyword list in research mode and keep your keyword list evolving with industry and search trends.
SEO Plan Step 2: Build Keyword-Focused Pages
After making the keyword list, the second step is to create the informative content for each keyword. You can write an article contain multiple synonyms or only one simple keyword.When it comes to websites and ranking in search engines. Because search engines become more intelligent and it can judge whether the content is close to the keywords and topic. Try to get one page to rank for all the keywords you need is impossible.
Use your keyword list to determine how many different web pages you should create. The number of web pages you create in SEO plan should coincide with the amount of products, offerings, and locations your business has. This strategy will cover all the keywords and content about your business and make it much easier for your potential customers to find you in search engines no matter what keywords they use.
The informative and compelling content take the function of converting potential visitors as the buyer. Each web page needs to include relevant content for your prospects and customers and should include pictures and links to pages on your site to enhance the user experience, explain the design concept of the product, or compare the detail between your services with others.
If you have many keywords and a lot of pages need to be created, list all the different web pages and rank them in order of importance. Then create a schedule and devise a plan of attack to get those pages built. You will continue to roll out new web pages and enhance existing ones as the business development.
SEO Plan Step 3: Create a Blog and update it regularly
Besides your goods and services page, you should create a blog for the visitors. Blogging is an effective way to rank for keywords and engage your website’s users. After all, every blog post is a new web page which has a chance to rank in search engines. If your business does not already have a blog, set one up, and update the blog at least once a week. But keep it in mind, the content of blog is primarily for your audience, not the search engines. Find out the topic what your audience is interested in and write it down. Make sure you’re including relevant keywords where appropriate, and your audience will naturally find you.
SEO Plan Step 4: Create a Link-Building Plan
The upper step is about on-page SEO and let’s move to off -page SEO. the fourth step is to create a link building plan. Link-building is a huge factor in how search engines rank your web pages. Spend some time to brainstorm all the different ways that you can attract inbound links to your website, such as ask for friends, partners give you a backlink.
Except for the backlinks from previous partners, there are also some tricks to obtain backlinks. How about sharing your links with other local businesses in exchange for links to their sites? Or write some useful posts of your niche market and share them on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn. Consider approaching other bloggers for guest blogging opportunities through which you can link back to your website. Another good way to attract backlinks is to use your articles related to current events or news. That way you have shot of getting linked to from an industry influencer or authority bloggers in your industry.
SEO Plan Step 5: Keep in touch with authority SEO News & Practices
Like the overall online marketing, the search engine space is ever-evolving. It’s not easy to stay on top of current trends and best practices. But there are multiple online resources that can help you to obtain and grasp the top of SEO news and changes that may impact your website and your SEO strategy, such as SEOmoz, searchenginejournal and so on.
SEO Plan Step 6: Measure and Enjoy Your SEO Success
SEO needs you spend a lot of time and resources to achieve the goal. During the process, you maybe feel fail, depression, or wonder. So check and enjoy the daily result is important. There are many metrics you can track on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis to keep your SEO plan on track and measure your success. Using the Google analytics and GWT data to monitor how much traffic comes to your website from organic search and how the customers’ behavior move flow.
Moreover, tracking indexed pages, leads, ROI, inbound links, keywords, and your actual ranking on SERPs can help you recognize your success as well as identify areas of opportunity.