It was March 11 when Japan was struck by an 8.9 magnitude earthquake and a tsunami. This is catastrophic event for Japan that killed thousands of people. Even to this day there are people missing especially y in the parts of Sendai. Radiation also scares Japan, with all these happening, what can Social Media do?
There has been a lot of case where Social Media helped raised fund. Though there are cases where people take advantage of these scenarios, majority of the population still wants to help Japanese people rise from this nightmare. If you remember the man with the “Golden Voice”, it was social media who helped him a lot be where he is now. He may have unique voice but without Social Media, who could notice him. The power of information is great and social media is so powerful. It has proven itself many times in the past. Not only during those times when people is looking for an opportunity to make a name though. Not during those times people who wants to help open doors for someone deserving. But during those times when we need to touch the hearts of many who are willing to help in disasters like this.
If you’re using Facebook, Multiply, Twitter, you’re blogging, that is Social Media. Come to think of it, it’s just a small part of the web that with a simple tweet, share button…among those millions you could reach, thousand would respond. If you can words influential enough, then you’re the right person to spread the word of helping the Japanese people. Let’s call it a social responsibility, it’s not every day that we experience something like this.
If you want to help but don’t have much to share, the Japanese people also need your prayers. If you’re on the computer a lot, you may want to share a story or a blog. Or, a simple tweet will do for sites that accept donations. This you should really be careful with, donate to site that you know is a legit site and not a scam. I list down a few if you want to donate:
Remember that not all sites are legit, not because you were touched by what you see or read, let’s be careful. While others open-heartedly wanted to help, others take this opportunity to take advantage of the kindness of others.
Social Media may only do a simple thing, but this simple thing is a great tool to reach out to millions of people, share information and unite in one common goal, help Japan rise again.