Having a website is just a step forward to having one of the best cost-effective forms of advertising. It’s one of the most affordable instruments to deliver your message across a wide array of audience. It could reach millions around the world – provided you know how to market your site. Do you know that in the United States, Internet users as percentage of population is 72.4% in 2008 and 72.8% in 2007 in Canada based on World Bank, World Development Indicators. Here is a guide to internet marketing.
Imagine your website is first when you search for it. Data provided are just for the US and Canada alone, how about Europe, Asia and others. Having a website is just a beginning of something better for the business. It could unlock doors to vast opportunities, including global recognition. How is that possible? That is where Internet marketing comes in. A website is a virtual shop an office or anything you would like to call it. Furthermore, get a marketting capaigm to attract customers. For instance, Television ads, billboards, brochures etc. With a website, the more that the businesses need it, regardless of size.
Huge market equals stiff competition vying to appear on the first page of SeRP (Search Engine Result Page) particularly Google. In fact, it is the no. 1 Search Engine in the world right now. There are only two differences between traditional advertising medium and a website.
First is COST, a TV ads alone could cost thousands of dollars, uploading videos on the site is FREE. Second, COVERAGE, TV ads only runs LOCALLY, website can be seen WORLDWIDE. I am trying to point out that having a website alone is not enough; it needs to be promoted and maintained. Website is not just a medium to advertise or sell a service or product, it’s also another means to earn online without shelling out a single dollar.
In what way it could be possible? Affiliate Marketing is just one of the few. Affiliate marketing is simply using one website to drive traffic to another and paid accordingly based on the terms. On my next blog I will explain in details possible ways to fully utilize earning potential of a website. If you already have a website, start promoting it, don’t let it stand there. How bad is a store without foot traffic?, goes the same with a website without traffic. Hire an SEO if you must but be careful how to choose the right one. To further understand SEO visit SEO Simplified.